Shreyans Jain


Welcome to my anxious world.

i am shreyans.

i studied civil engineering in undergrad, and learned ML and programming afterwards alongside my job solely due to my interest in maths and problem solving.

my aim is to work full time on ML interpretability research because personally, i would like to understand more about whats going under the hood of a complex AI system responsible for deciding whether its a dog or a cat or what word i should be typing next. in addition, my interest lies in reinforcement learning, ai ethics as well so i try to keep myself up to date on these topics too.

as of june 1st, i’m on a career break for a couple of months but during this time i’ve been working on a side research project for visualizing the training dynamics and latent states of a neural network as an independent contributor along with a team from NYU.

when i’m not working i’m probably thinking about how i can improve my strength & form in pull-ups and dreaming about muscle ups 🏋️ or learning about the Xs and Os of basketball. i occasionally pick up a book (mainly it’s on my kindle :P) too trying to learn more about indian history, world history but won’t shy away from a good fiction (sci fi preferred) or some new topic that looks interesting to me.

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